On his platform, Samuels says his perspective represents the modern, high-value Black man while cautioning women opposing this perspective. Like so many YouTube experts before him, he exploits the pain and vulnerability of Black women’s quest for love while the world watches in amusement. His platform opens a space for much-needed conversations addressing women’s accountability in relationships however, his framework is rooted in an imperialist worldview that subtly reinforces anti-Blackness. His advice to ‘modern Black women’ searching for a “high-value man” mixes hard truths with a dose of entertainment. Kevin Samuels is a YouTube sensation and self-appointed “professional image consultant.” His meteoric rise to fame on social media arose from his slick-tongued comments aimed at, in particular, Black women. OPINION: In a racist, white supremacist environment, Samuels’ assertions only affirm an Anglo-Saxon ideology using Black women as an easy scapegoat